
How did I improve my typing skills?

Typing is one of my hobbies. However, my typing skills were terrible in middle school, worse in high school, and still not good enough in college.

During that period, I typed sentences over and over again, believing in the adage “practice makes perfect.” However, I became aware that my practice approach might not have been the best one. Even though I was getting better at typing, I still wanted more.

After graduating, I revisited the fundamentals, starting with familiarizing myself with the location of each key on the keyboard. I dedicated time every morning, during lunch, and in the evening to become proficient in key positions. Once I had a grasp of each key’s location, I began entering brief phrases.

Now, I can type even special characters like % without needing to look at the keyboard. My average words per minute (wpm), which is a basic indicator of typing speed, varies between 70 and 90 with 95% accuracy.

I used the website typingclub.com to practice typing. It’s not an ad or a support activity.😂

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